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Golf Predictions

We run thousands of simulations for every PGA Tour event and major golf championship to predict the most likely outcomes and detect value against the sportsbooks. Get the latest golf picks and PGA picks this week here.
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This Week’s Free Golf Picks and Best Bets

Dimers has free Golf picks, Golf predictions for today and PGA Tour picks this week for every PGA Tour event and major Golf championship. Based on 1000s of simulations, our computer analyzes the data for each Golf tournament to provide the best Golf bets for you to bet on and become an expert.

What is the best website for Golf picks?

Dimers.com is the best website for Golf picks and best bets. Dimers gives Golf fans the tools, computer analysis and expert data to excel at Golf betting. Dimers is free and accessible for all, so check out our Golf picks for this week, including tournament predictions, probabilities and best odds.

Who will win this week’s Golf tournament?

At Dimers, we feature the best Golf betting picks, best Golf betting odds and best Golf predictions for you to make the play. All of our suggested Golf bets are based on the edge we find against the best Golf odds from the legal sportsbooks in your state.

Where are the best sports betting picks?

Dimers.com is the home of the best sports betting picks and bets in the United States. Check out our free NBA picks, free Tennis picks and free NFL picks while you’re here, or see Quick Picks for our best picks for all major pro and college sports and Live Now to keep track of all your action.

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